Struct ucp_ep_params

struct ucp_ep_params

Tuning parameters for the UCP endpoint.

The structure defines the parameters that are used for the UCP endpoint tuning during the UCP ep creation.

Public Members

uint64_t field_mask

Mask of valid fields in this structure, using bits from ucp_ep_params_field. Fields not specified in this mask will be ignored. Provides ABI compatibility with respect to adding new fields.

const ucp_address_t *address

Destination address; this field should be set along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_REMOTE_ADDRESS and must be obtained using ucp_worker_get_address.

ucp_err_handling_mode_t err_mode

Desired error handling mode, optional parameter. Default value is UCP_ERR_HANDLING_MODE_NONE.

ucp_err_handler_t err_handler

Handler to process transport level failure.

void *user_data

User data associated with an endpoint. See ucp_stream_poll_ep_t and ucp_err_handler_t

unsigned flags

Endpoint flags from ucp_ep_params_flags_field. This value is optional. If it’s not set (along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_FLAGS), the ucp_ep_create() routine will consider the flags as set to zero.

ucs_sock_addr_t sockaddr

Destination address in the form of a sockaddr; this field should be set along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_SOCK_ADDR and must be obtained from the user, it means that this type of the endpoint creation is possible only on client side in client-server connection establishment flow.

ucp_conn_request_h conn_request

Connection request from client; this field should be set along with its corresponding bit in the field_mask - UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_CONN_REQUEST and must be obtained from ucp_listener_conn_callback_t, it means that this type of the endpoint creation is possible only on server side in client-server connection establishment flow.

const char *name

Endpoint name. Tracing and analysis tools can identify the endpoint using this name. To retrieve the endpoint’s name, use ucp_ep_query, as the name you supply may be changed by UCX under some circumstances, e.g. a name conflict. This field is only assigned if you set UCP_EP_PARAM_FIELD_NAME in the field mask. If not, then a default unique name will be created for you.